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Tuscaloosa Amateur Radio Club

Tuscaloosa Amateur Radio Club Repeaters

W4XI (Analog)

146.820 (-0.60 offset) 118.8 PL VHF
443.825 (+5.0 offset) 118.8 PL UHF (dual-mode analog + DMR)

W4XI (DMR, AmComm Network)

443.825 (+5.0 offset) CC1 (dual-mode analog + DMR)
See the W4XI DMR Repeater page for more information.

W4KCQ (Digital) D-STAR

146.605 - W4KCQ C
444.075 - W4KCQ B
1284.400 - W4KCQ A

General Information About TARC Repeaters

First of all, if you notice a problem with one of the repeaters, please let us know; if you can't reach KG4MPU on the radio, email ac4rw@tuxaloosa.org and a message will be passed along to him.

The Tuscaloosa Amateur Radio Club provides the above "open" repeaters for your use. Please use them to enjoy our hobby and communicate with your fellow hams. When doing so, it is suggested you exercise proper radio etiquette and be sensitive to other users' rights to use them as well.

The West Alabama Emergency Net meets every Sunday Night at 8:30 PM on the 146.820 repeater. We'd like to have all local amateur operators, regardless of TARC membership, check in to the Net. We look forward to hearing you. There are also quite a few other Nets in our area which might interest you.

The D-STAR System is up for your use. If you have not been involved in D-STAR, educate yourself on this mode of operation, as it offers many new things. A "gateway" is attached to this system and is linked into the Alabama State D-STAR Net on Tuesday nights at 8:30 PM. This provides a test of communications throughout the state as well as North Florida and Southern Mississippi. Consider getting on D-STAR and you will find out the exciting things this mode offers.

As TARC supports these repeaters, donations are welcome. If you are not a member of TARC, we would like to have you as a member, or if you use our repeaters, please consider a donation so that we can continue to provide open repeaters for regular amateur use. Contributions can be made at any time to our Club Treasurer.

TARC also provides a list of other area repeaters for your convenience.

Copyright 2025, Tuscaloosa Amateur Radio Club