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Tuscaloosa Amateur Radio Club

Tuscaloosa Area Nets

West Alabama Emergency Net

The West Alabama Emergency Net is a function of the Tuscaloosa Amateur Radio Club and meets each Sunday night at 8:30 PM local time on the 146.820 (- offset, 118.8 Hz tone) repeater.

Here are copies of the WAEN Preamble/Script (PDF), Net Control Schedule , and a sample Net Check-In Log for anyone interested. If you would like to volunteer to serve as a Net Control Station (NCS) and be added to the schedule, please email kn4kyz@yahoo.com.

VHF and UHF Nets

3:00 PM - Alabama DMR Net on Alabama Statewide Talkgroup (3101)
4:30 PM - Alabama D-Star Net, 145.605, - offset, on W4KCQ C via Reflector 58B
7:00 PM - ALERT Net, 146.880, - offset, 88.5 Hz tone
8:00 PM - Central Alabama Simplex Net, 146.580 simplex
8:30 PM - West Alabama Emergency Net, 146.820, - offset, 118.8 Hz tone
9:00 PM - Sumter County ARC Net (York, AL), 147.000, + offset, 210.8 Hz tone

7:00 PM - Youth Net, 146.880, - offset, 88.5 Hz tone
7:30 PM - BHM ARES, 444.100, + offset, 162.2 Hz tone
8:00 PM - HCARC Net, 146.760,- offset, 88.5, 94.8, 114.8 Hz tones or KK4BSK-R on Echolink

7:00 PM - AENU (WAARS Net), 146.925, - offset, 131.8 Hz tone
7:30 PM - Bibb County ARC Net, 145.390, - offset, 103.5 Hz tone
8:00 PM - St. Clair ARC Net, 145.130, - offset, 103.5 Hz tone
8:00 PM - Shelby County ARC Net, 146.980, - offset, 88.5 Hz tone
8:30 PM - Central AL D-Star Net, 145.605, - offset, on W4KCQ C via Reflector 58B
9:00 PM - BARC Net, 146.880, - offset, 88.5 Hz tone

8:00 PM - Christian Net, 146.880, - offset, 88.5 Hz tone
8:30 PM - West Central Alabama ARC (Lamar County), 145.430, - offset, 110.9 Hz tone

8:00 PM - Walker Co ARES Net, 147.390, + offset, 110.9 Hz tone
8:30 PM - Fayette County ARES Training Net, 147.200, + offset, 110.9 Hz tone

Alabama HF Nets

Alabama Day Net - The Alabama Day Net meets daily at 10:00 AM on 3.965 MHz. There is an informal session that starts at 9:30 AM and is a great place to chat with the hams who are active throughout the state on HF. Stop by and chat with a great bunch of hams.

Alabama ARES State Net - The Alabama ARES State Net meets each Sunday at 2100 UTC (4 PM CDT) on 3.965 MHz. The NCS is Mike Watkins, WX4AL, and check-ins are taken from ARES districts. All Emergency Coordinators (EC) are encouraged to check-in.

Alabama Emergency Net Mike (AENM) - The Alabama Emergency Net Mike meets daily at 2330 UTC (6:30 PM CDT) and Sunday mornings at 1300 UTC (8:00 AM CDT) on 3.965 MHz and is part of the National Traffic System (NTS). Check-ins are taken by Alabama Counties.

Alabama HF Digital Net meets each Sunday at 2030 UTC (3:30 PM CDT) on 3.570 MHz USB.

Alabama HF Phone Net meets each Sunday at 2100 UTC (4:00 PM CDT) on 3.965 MHz LSB.

Copyright 2025, Tuscaloosa Amateur Radio Club