Welcome to the Tuscaloosa Amateur Radio Club's home page. Use the buttons
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Back when:
- The hams of Tuscaloosa have been serving the community since 1931.
- Back in the late 1950s, the club was called the Voice of Dixie Keyclickers Association (V.O.D.K.A.). Dues were 25 cents per month or $3.00 per year.
- In 1955, 10 members participated in what is thought to be the first Field Day in Tuscaloosa at Chism's Lake up Highway 171.
- In January 1964, members voted to retain the name "Tuscaloosa Amateur Radio Club."
- In April 1964, the club renamed its club bulletin to "Yak Shack."
- In 1966, W4KCQ became the club call for TARC honoring Pat Ryan (SK), who was then-current President of the club.
- TARC supports VHF and UHF repeaters on 146.820 and 443.825
- TARC supports D-STAR repeater systems on 146.605, 444.075, and 1284.4 with gateway.
- TARC supports a DMR repeater on 443.825.
- TARC has a letter of agreement with DCH Health Systems and supports a communications center at DCH Northport.
- TARC supports a weekly net called the West Alabama Emergency Net (WAEN).
- TARC supports the Tuscaloosa County EMA as well as other served agencies.
- TARC supports and is actively involved in yearly Field Day exercises.
- TARC is involved in providing public service communications.
- TARC has a second club call, W4XI, in honor of Dr. H. Gordon King (SK).
- Most importantly, TARC is dedicated to preserving the "magic of radio" and the promotion of Amateur Radio which we call our hobby!
Copyright 2025, Tuscaloosa Amateur Radio Club